13 August 2010

One year older, one year more jaded

It was my birthday the other day. I like my birthday. It's fun and I milk it for every drop. :) For example, when the security company came to the house to install our new system, I told him it was my birthday and got $30 off.

Been watching the news with a lot of disgust lately. Especially the Pickton thing. The media is sensationalizing it, sucking it for every last headline. I hate it. And finding out that he'd been arrested for attempted murder years before all these killings, and released because the woman he tried to kill was a prostitute and therefore, "not credible" just felt like a kick in the gut. I cannot fathom the pain that caused the families of his victims.

Listen to me: Prostitutes are people too. They know better than to report a rape because cops will not take them seriously. If a prostitute says, "This guy tried to kill me" and has the DAMN STAB WOUNDS to prove it, take her seriously.

You know, this week when Stockwell "Doris" Day was going on about under-reporting of crimes, he was on crack, but he was inadvertently right when it comes to sexual assaults. We do not report them. I was listening to CBC radio that afternoon, and they had on the statistician who did the survey on crime that Doris was misconstruing. Yes, there are tons of crimes that go unreported - mostly petty theft and minor crimes like that. But sexual assaults go unreported a lot.

The reasons for that are complex, including the victims feeling ashamed of what happened, scared of repercussions, just wanting to forget (as if that's possible), and last of all, what is really sad, is the reaction of the police. Police are very difficult to deal with after an assault. They often minimize it, mock it, ask assholish questions, make the victims feel even worse. Shit like this is more than enough to validate our opinions of police. And that's ordinary folx. People in the sex trade? Gah. I'm so sorry to be part of the society that treats them as less than human


Christian said...

$30 off, eh? Now that wasn't very Christian of you...:)
Kidding of course. Happy Birthday!

And yeah, it would be great if everyone was treated with respect, regardless of their status in life. Unfortunately, many who have a responsibility to the public seem a little too jaded themselves...

Luna said...

A discount is unchristian now? I missed the memo. :)

Respect seems a hard thing to find. It is remarkably sad.

Christian said...

No, Luna, a discount is not unchristian. But I have heard that it's more of a jewish thing. you know, getting discounts...I really hope that comes across as the politically incorrect joke I intended it to be

I was referring to the fact (again, kidding!) that you were milking your birthday for your own nefarious purposes. That's all I meant. :)

Luna said...

*snort* LOL. I'm so clueless, I missed that entirely.

My Dad, bless his soul, used to say that Jews are cheap, but you would be too if you went through what they did. Stereotyping, but for the right reasons. It's a head-shaker. :)

Ignorance said...

A belated happy birthday!

When I was in a gift shop in Amsterdam a few weeks ago, it struck me how many of the souvenirs were about prostitution. Sure, I didn't expect there to be none, but since there's quite a lot of human trafficking going on in the sector, I expected some more discretion.

I'm not really sure what the overall attitude to prostitutes is here, though I've come across some fairly judgmental people.

Luna said...

Amsterdam is the weirdest city I've ever been to. Wasn't there long enough to get a feel for the locals though. But yeah, it was a real mindbender to see sex workers exploited in a whole new way with tourist attractions and souvenirs.

And thanks for the happy birthday. It was okay.

Christian said...

Hey Luna, I thought you might appreciate this story

If only everybody treated others how they would want to be treated...

Luna said...

Sorry, Christian. I accidentally rejected your P.S. comment.

Luna said...

And that story ROCKS! I love stories like that one. I wish the news of the day always included at least one story of people doing good things.